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Video Safe

Video Safe

Video Safe Publisher's Description

Make sure your private video collection stays private. Video Safe is Microsoft Windows Utility Software that can help you to obtain your entire video collection privacy in just a few clicks. This software can lock gigabytes, hundreds of *.avi files from any folder in a matter of seconds. Full Version of Video Safe it is equipped with a brand new 141 file security.
What is 141 File Security?
For years, programmers are struggling to protect valuable data, like passwords, from unauthorized viewing with more or less success. There is literally thousands of encryption methods and equal number of methods to decode this data without authorization. Today, for almost every popular application you will find several "password generators" or similar software that destroys application security. Part of the problem was that one application, like Microsoft Excel for example, always created the same type of files ( *.xls) and therefore, one successful hacking can be implemented elsewhere.
141 File Security overcomes this security problem by creating different types of files for each legally sold copy of each protected software. That means that if your co-worker purchased Video Safe, his/her copy and files protected by his/her copy are different from yours and therefore, any existing "password generator" or "movie opener" created for his/her copy will not function on files locked by your copy. That means that even if someone develops hacking software that opens Video Safe Demo movie file, he or she will have to do this but different job all over again to hack into every single legally sold copy. In addition, you can't change your key, and that means that application is not writing key data anywhere on your hard drive. Methods like hiding the data into your registry, or some unknown file on your hard drive are hacked because of that. Software protected with 141 File Method gives you this extra security for your files that you are looking for.

What's New in Version of Video Safe

Video Safe now supports mpg files

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